Pollinators across the globe are facing declines due to habitat loss, poor nutrition and exposure to pesticides. The alarming decline gained the attention of the world with the dramatic decline of the U.S. honey bee population. In 2006, North American beekeepers observed a mysterious occurrence named “Colony Collapse Disorder” in which adult bees sharply disappeared from hundreds of colonies, deserting the queen and her brood. It is generally believed that honey bee decline is caused by a intricate combination of influences that progressively weaken their individual and collective immune systems. According to the Bee City USA website over 90% of the world’s flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce and 1 in 3 bites of food we eat is courtesy of insect pollination.
There are many, many benefits to being a Bee City USA. Most importantly, our goal is to make a difference in reversing the threat currently facing pollinators. But, we need your help. Read the complete RESOLUTION of the City of Williamstown, West Virginia designating Williamstown, WV as a BEE CITY USA® affiliate.